The videos and responses will be distributed on the social media platforms of Kelly Club, Kelly Sports, Nathan Wallis and their subsidiaries or partners. All content collected and created for this project may be used and will be housed for potential use in future promotions for Kelly Club, Kelly Sports and Nathan Wallis. Therefore, permission should be obtained and will be deemed provided for these purposes when a video is received for this project for reasonable use.

The project commences on the 20th of July 2020 and runs until September 3rd 2020 (dates subject to change). Responses must be submitted by the date outlined to be eligible for a response from Nathan Wallis.

Entry is only open to school’s that have been directly contacted by Kelly Club or Kelly Sports New Zealand to take part in the project.

Responses must be submitted by the date outlined to be included in the responses from Nathan Wallis.

Nathan Wallis responses to questions will be housed uploaded on the YouTube channel Kelly Club & Kelly Sports New Zealand therefore all YouTube terms and conditions for uploading and storage will apply to this project.

Entry into this project is deemed acceptance of these and any other applicable terms and conditions.